Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Essay on Advanced Laser Case Study - 625 Words
Case 2: Advanced Laser Clinics In the case, â€Å"Advanced Laser Clinics,†a clinic in Austin Texas is a bottom-performing store that is desperate for some positive changes. Elizabeth Ryan is the new manager who was hired to bring about those changes. There were several issues identified within this case. The first issue that I recognized was the inexperience of Ryan as a manager within this particular field. Her experience was working with the Navy, where she dealt with mainly men. Even though she has years of leadership experience, the beauty industry is completely new to her as well as working with other women. She also only received four days of training, which seems minimal. The other issue presented in the case was between the two†¦show more content†¦Again, she is going to have to stress emphasize that she is asking because she wants to help find a solution. She should also add on by asking if everything is OK and if she can help with anything. This will directly show that Ryan cares about her as a person and will make Moore feel more comfortable. There might be a good explanation as to why she comes in smelling like that. In chapter 2, we talked about how a leader should have a passion for the work and the people. By showing that she cares about Moore and wants her to succeed, Ryan is showing a passion for her employees. This situation also directly relates to chapter 5 when we talked about path-goal theory. I am suggesting that Ryan uses a supportive style of leadership in this situation, because she is dealing with a sensitive subject. She needs to display an emotionally supportive climate when she meets with Moore. Lastly, Ryan needs to lead by example, respect, and trust after the meeting. In chapter 8 the focus is to make your actions support the words you say. Ryan needs to make sure that she shows her concern for Moore and actually helps her come up with a solution instead of just saying she will do these things. There is nothing worse than when a boss or a leader says they care about your well-being but do not do anything to help you. This forms trust issues between the employees and boss and is very unhealthy for theirShow MoreRelatedInvestigating effectiveness of treatments1600 Words  | 7 PagesBiomedical Research 4 (4) page 234-237 [online] available at: http://bit.ly/1mRS9ym Bar chart comparing cases and controls complication in mother according to Shruti Saralaya et al (2013) Shruti Saralaya et al (2013) study offers a insight into a generally unknown condition, the study was conducted with 100 participants, including 50 cases and 50 controls for equal representation, the study was based on what earlier scientist thought was a correlation for the condition, for example pretermRead MoreHow Technology Simplifies Modern Life665 Words  | 3 Pagesthe medical field, i.e. in regard to laser eye surgery, would be rolled back. 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Monday, December 16, 2019
IHRM and HRM Difference Free Essays
In a highly competitive global economy, where the other factors of productionâ€â€capital, technology, raw materials, and informationâ€â€are increasingly able to be duplicated, â€Å"the caliber of the people in an organization will be the only source of sustainable competitive advantage available to companies. Domestic HRM and international HRM are both concentrate on human resource management, but there are many differences also. No mater domestic HRM or international HRM an organization’s HRM activities are also include these 6 parts. We will write a custom essay sample on IHRM and HRM Difference or any similar topic only for you Order Now The first part is human resource planning, before the company employs the employees the company should know what kind of employees their need. Then the second part is staffing (recruitment, selection, placement), the company select the employees what they need from the HR market. The third part is compensation (remuneration) and benefits. The company should set the employees’ wages. Then, the forth part is deal with the industrial relations. It is common in every company that there are many troubles in employees or in employees and the company, so the company should set a department which is especial deal with the problem. The fifth part is performance management. The company’s main project is to make profits, so at the end of the year the company will reward or punish according to the employee’s performance. The last part is training and development. And these parts are completed one by one. There are also many differences between domestic HRM and IHRM. IHRM complexity can be attributed to six factors. The first is more HR activities such as international taxation; international relocation and orientation; host-government relations; language translation services. For example, to a domestic company it is only concerned with the tax rates in his country, but for a international company it is not only focus on his PCN’s tax rates but also focus on his TCN’s tax rates. The second is need for a broader perspective such as program design and administration for several employee groups; long term consequences on key decisions made. For example, to a domestic company it pays all attention to his program design and administration in his country, but for a international company it is not only focus on his PCN’s program design and administration but also pays attention to his TCN’s program design and administration. The third one is more involvement in employees’ personal lives. One obvious difference between domestic and international HRM is that staff are moved across ational boundaries into various roles within the international firms foreign operationsâ€â€these employees have traditionally been called expatriates. An expatriate is an employee who is transferred out of their home base into some other area of the firm’s international operations. There are many factors will determine the assignment succeed or failed such as level of support to handle for PCNs and TCNs, banking, investments, home rental while on assignment, coordinating home visits , final repatriation, level of explanations particularly on the comp. ackage components , marital status during selection process. The forth one is variations in the mix of expatriates and locals, for example if the company want maturity evolves, the company need to support expat and virtual team. All these such as foreign subsidiary increased autonomy, high potential selection and development, long term succession planning necessitates flexibility and focus fluctuation within the HR department, not needed for domestic HR to the same degree. The fifth one is risk exposure, the IHRM will face heavier financial and human consequences in case of assignment failure. The last one is broader external influences such as the type of government; the state of the economy ; generally accepted practices of doing business in host countries. We can conclude that HRM is important to every company no matter it is domestic company or international company, so the manager should pay more attention to the HRM or the company will fail. How to cite IHRM and HRM Difference, Papers
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Fluid Regulation in Weightless State free essay sample
Examines research studies space flight experiments measuring body fluid changes for scientific medical purposes. Fluid Regulation in a Microgravity Environment The extraterrestrial environment presents human beings with innumerable physiologic challenges. Astronauts engaged in space flight may experience alteration of their bodily fluids and electrolyte balance. Weightlessness generally causes a reduction in total fluid volume. In addition, there is typically a cephalad redistribution of the blood and other body fluids. This cephalad shift initiates a series of compensatory mechanisms, many of which involve hormonal fluctuations. Unfortunately, data collected from human subjects during actual space flight is rather scarce. This paucity has led to the use of various ground-based weightlessness simulations. Two important experimental techniques include the water immersion and bed rest methods. Unfortunately though, despite the considerable research..
Saturday, November 30, 2019
Act utilitarianism vs Rule utilitarianism Essay Example
Act utilitarianism vs Rule utilitarianism Paper Although Utilitarianism as a whole is a complicated and flawed ideology, Rule Utilitarianism (the more sympathetic concept of the two) tends to be more plausible than Act Utilitarianism. However Rule Utilitarianism is not without its own flaws that critics of JS Mill indicate. Critics of JS Mill say that Act Utilitarianism is more plausible because with Rule Utilitarianism, moral laws conflict, for example, the right to be free from hunger and want seems logical but destroying the rainforests to provide food goes against other Utilitarianism principles, whereas in Act Utilitarianism, according to Sidgwick, it is possible that an act may be moral and immoral at the same time. For Sidgwick, when making a moral decision you must respond to the immediate consequences of your actions but not the long term effect, as it isnt possible to be certain about the long term effects. Critics of Bentham and Sidgwick however would say that Rule Utilitarianism is more plausible because Rule Utilitarians believe that it is the quality of an act that is more important and not the greatest good for the greatest number as suggested by Bentham. Mill also believed that without individual liberty, societys happiness is not possible, which makes Rule Utilitarianism more plausible as it coincides with human rights whereas Bentham thinks that Human rights are ridiculous. We will write a custom essay sample on Act utilitarianism vs Rule utilitarianism specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Act utilitarianism vs Rule utilitarianism specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Act utilitarianism vs Rule utilitarianism specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer According to Bentham, Act Utilitarianism is more plausible because it provides the greatest goo for the greatest number through the use of the hedonic calculus. By using the Hedonic calculus, one is able to maximise pleasure and minimise pain. The Hedonic calculus Is the test for all practical decisions and is an easy way to provide the greatest overall happiness for all sentient beings such as humans. The concept of the Hedonic Calculus for philosophers such as Mill, Brandt and Austin was far too complex and they considered it to be an impossible ideal to apply the hedonic calculus when making all decisions, especially when there is not time to carefully think about making a decision. Furthermore, Act Utilitarianism consider maims to be rules of thumb that can be disregarded in certain circumstances, whereas rule Utilitarians believe all moral laws must be obeyed. Rather than following the Hedonic Calculus, Rule Utilitarians instead made a set of general rules selected on the basis of whether they will maximise general good or welfare in society. These general rules apply the Principle of Utility so it is easier to apply them in everyday life, therefore making moral decision making a much easier and less complicated situation. In conclusion, Both act and Rule Utilitarianism have their flaws but overall, Rule Utilitarianism is more plausible than Act Utilitarianism because through Rule Utilitarianism it is easier to apply rules and moral laws and one focuses on the quality of happiness rather than the quantity, which can often lead to impractical decision making (for Act Utilitarians.)
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Free Essays on Hydroforming
Hydroforming – the futuristic creation of steel framing using water pressure Since the beginning of the horse drawn carriage people have relied on some sort of vehicle to help transport them from one place to another. Although people may have taken these carriages for granted there was a definite science to the creation of these various types of vehicles. A critical element in how these vehicles were constructed was by a Master. Before he was a master he had to learn the many necessary skills to design and build carriages. During the application of his craft as a professional the master craftsman had to use all of the theory and tools to work with wood, necessary in early frame construction. In working with these materials the master eventually learned what would work and what would not work in making his designs. The basis of the carriage, the frame was probably the most important component of the carriage in that all the weight of the body rests upon this basic platform. Without this platform the carriage lacked the rigidity to withstand the pressure of its own weight much like the keel of a ship. Problems like doors that closed evenly and solidly would not work without this type of support to balance the weight of the carriage. ( Hauer) Current frame production uses rails that are cut and welded together in much the same way as early frames during the beginning of motorized vehicles. A new way to produce these vehicle frames is called hydroforming. Hydroforming is a process that uses internal hydraulic water pressure to bend or force metal to take the shape of a die. ( Hauhinco) During the hydroforming process, the hydraulic liquid presses the piece outward towards the die. Simultaneously, cylinders push in from the ends of the die with material where needed. The relationship between the increase in pressure in the liquid and the increase in axial force is a very important part of hydroforming. ( Lundqvist) The Truck... Free Essays on Hydroforming Free Essays on Hydroforming Hydroforming – the futuristic creation of steel framing using water pressure Since the beginning of the horse drawn carriage people have relied on some sort of vehicle to help transport them from one place to another. Although people may have taken these carriages for granted there was a definite science to the creation of these various types of vehicles. A critical element in how these vehicles were constructed was by a Master. Before he was a master he had to learn the many necessary skills to design and build carriages. During the application of his craft as a professional the master craftsman had to use all of the theory and tools to work with wood, necessary in early frame construction. In working with these materials the master eventually learned what would work and what would not work in making his designs. The basis of the carriage, the frame was probably the most important component of the carriage in that all the weight of the body rests upon this basic platform. Without this platform the carriage lacked the rigidity to withstand the pressure of its own weight much like the keel of a ship. Problems like doors that closed evenly and solidly would not work without this type of support to balance the weight of the carriage. ( Hauer) Current frame production uses rails that are cut and welded together in much the same way as early frames during the beginning of motorized vehicles. A new way to produce these vehicle frames is called hydroforming. Hydroforming is a process that uses internal hydraulic water pressure to bend or force metal to take the shape of a die. ( Hauhinco) During the hydroforming process, the hydraulic liquid presses the piece outward towards the die. Simultaneously, cylinders push in from the ends of the die with material where needed. The relationship between the increase in pressure in the liquid and the increase in axial force is a very important part of hydroforming. ( Lundqvist) The Truck...
Friday, November 22, 2019
Statistics on Victoria, the Capital of British Columbia, Canada
Statistics on Victoria, the Capital of British Columbia, Canada Victoria is the capital city of the province of British Columbia, Canada. Victoria is a gateway to the Pacific Rim, is close to U.S. Markets, and has many sea and air links that make it a business hub. With the mildest climate in Canada, Victoria is known for its gardens and is a clean and charming city. Victoria holds many reminders of both its native and British heritage, and views of totem poles combine with afternoon tea. The focus of downtown Victoria is the inner harbor, overlooked by the Parliament Buildings and the historic Fairmont Empress Hotel. Location of Victoria, British Columbia Victoria is located on the southern tip of Vancouver Island.See a map of Victoria Area 19.47 sq. km (7.52 sq. miles) (Statistics Canada, 2011 Census) Population 80,017 (Statistics Canada, 2011 Census) Date Victoria Incorporated as a City 1862 Date Victoria Became the Capital City of British Columbia 1871 Government of the City of Victoria After the 2014 election, Victoria municipal elections will be held every four years rather than three. Date of the last Victoria municipal election: Saturday, November 15, 2014 Victorias city council is made up of nine elected representatives: one mayor and eight city councillors. Victoria Mayor Lisa HelpsVictoria City Councillors Victoria Attractions Major attractions in the capital city include: Parliament Buildings, home of the BC Legislative AssemblyButchart GardensRoyal BC MuseumMaritime Museum of BCFairmont Empress HotelTrans Canada Trail Weather in Victoria Victoria has the mildest climate in Canada, and with an eight-month frost-free season flowers bloom year-round. The average annual rainfall for Victoria is 66.5 cm (26.2 in.), far less than in Vancouver, BC or New York City. Summers in Victoria are pleasantly warm and dry with an average maximum temperature in July and August of 21.8 °C (71 °F). Victoria winters are mild, with rain and the occasional light snow. The average temperature in January is 3 °C (38 °F). Spring can start as early as February. City of Victoria Official Site City of Victoria Capital Cities of Canada For information on the other capital cities in Canada, see Capital Cities of Canada.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Banking and Finance Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Banking and Finance Law - Essay Example In the case at bar, the role of Bank A is an arranger as it is representing the borrower and not the participating banks, therefore, its obligations centered upon the borrower. Generally, the functions of the arranger starts upon its acceptance of the offer to arrange from the borrow and shall subsist until the time that the facility shall have been executed or in case of syndicated loan, its duties and obligations shall be deemed fulfilled at syndication when the participant banks are brought into direct contractual relations with the borrower2. Part of the duties of the arranger is to assist the borrower in drafting the Information Memorandum (IM), which will be circulated to prospective lenders/investors or in the case of syndication, to participating banks. Note that the IM is an instrument, which will be relied upon by the participating bank in assessing the nature of the investment and risk involved thereon. By this token, English law so for measures that will ensure that the p articipating bank will not be misled by unfounded claims set in the IM. The obligations of the arranger towards the participating banks in the case of syndication arise particularly during the negotiation stage and before the signing of the instruments of documents ratifying the facility. Breach of obligation to disclose the full state of the borrower or the misrepresentation of facts in the IM whether it is fraudulent or negligent in nature would give rise to both statutory breach and violation of established case laws. Fraudulent misrepresentation is the act of giving information knowing fully that it is not true. Fraud can also be deemed present where the arranger recklessly gives information without ascertaining its veracity and rending the facts disclosed as misleading. The key in this situation is that there is deceit in the act of the arranger as opposed to an innocent misrepresentation where the arranger believed in good faith in the truthfulness of the data disclosed.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Mortgage fraud Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Mortgage fraud - Term Paper Example This research will begin with the statement that the dream of owning a home is running away from reality due to the increase in the number mortgage frauds. Misguided real estate professionals and dishonesty homeowners are fleecing homeowners billions of dollars through mortgage scams. Mortgage fraud can be defined as the intentional misrepresentations, omissions to fund or secure a loan that is designed to acquire mortgage financing using fraudulent or stolen identification documents or false financial and income statements. Inflated real estate properties and high property taxes have made homeownership rarely accessible to the honest citizens. Statistics from the Federal Bureau of Investigation show that real estate fraud is the most rampant white –collar crime in the United States. From 2003-2004, mortgage fraud crime rates increased by 146% while during the period 2004-2005, the rate increased further by another 29%. According to industry figures, losses from real estate fr auds run in to millions of dollars annually in Canada. Most criminal groupings are responsible for the mortgage scams. Mortgages frauds leave individuals with high property taxes, inflated property prices and adverse credit histories. In Canada, mortgage fraud is mainly concentrated in Ontario and Alberta though some cases occur in other Cities. Combating mortgage fraud has not been possible since as soon a law is enacted, the con artists devise other loopholes in the real estate market which they use to defraud the homeowners. 4. The crime is becoming more sophisticated due to technological innovations which have made it easy for the criminal groups to obtain personal information like identification and financial statements through the internet. Majority of the financial institutions depend on automated systems to underwrite and value the property, to conduct financial strengths and capabilities of the borrower and to generate financial statements hence it is difficult for the lend er to detect the fraudulent and falsified financial statements5. Risk factors for mortgage frauds Political, social economic and technological advancements can impact on the magnitude of mortgage frauds. The competitive banking industry during periods of economic boom and the customer pressures for the mortgage interest rates have increased rates of mortgage crime. Financial institutions avoid losing commissions and fees thus they may not conduct due diligence in mortgage approvals6. Technological innovations such as the internet communications and e-commerce involve widespread exchange of personal information and identity documents over the internet. Criminals may fraudulently obtain personal information over the internet thus using it to defraud the customer or acquire mortgages fraudulently. Criminal gangs are also utilizing the internet to conduct their illegal activities since with modern communications individuals do not need to physically meet in order to conduct a business t ransaction7. Mortgage frauds mainly involve numerous players in the financial industry insiders. Vendors, lawyers, credit rating agencies and real estate agents and mortgage brokers knowingly give consent to the use of false financial statements or will conduct false appraisals of the financial strength of the purchaser. Fraud for property also occurs when dishonest lenders lead the borrowers to buying houses which they may not be able to service. The lenders assist the borrower to submit false financial statements, income and asset records8. Types of mortgage frauds There are numerous types of frauds involved in the real estate industry. The frauds range from undisclosed kickbacks to falsifying income and employment information. The first type of mortgage fraud is the occupancy fraud. The fraud occurs when the mortgage borrower anticipates acquiring an investment property and states in his or her loan application documents that the property will be a second home or the
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Private Equity Deals Essay Example for Free
Private Equity Deals Essay Private equity can be described as investing in a company through a negotiated process. Investment entails transformational, value-added and active management strategy. Private Equity investments can be undertaken following three categories. These are venture capital, Buy-out and special situation investment. Venture capital can be described as an investment to create a new company or expand a smaller company that is presently undeveloped. Buy-out investment involves acquisition of a significant portion of investment in a mature company so as to gain control or ownership of the company. Special situation investment involves changing government regulations or industry trends on investment due to availability of opportunity (Robinson and Cottrell, 2007). This paper will broadly analyze buy out investment in detail, discussing its history, growth, merits and failures.            Private equity firms accrue interest on investment through any of the three ways. These include an IPO, sale or merger and recapitalisation. Private equity firms sell unlisted securities directly to investors through private offering or private equity fund which attracts different sources of contributions from small investors who prefer to invest directly to investors due to the risks associated with private equity funds. Private equity fund require a large amount of money to allow entry which cannot be afforded by most private equity firms. Moreover Private equity firms prefer to invest in firms or investors where the firm can accrue returns after a short duration unlike private equity funds which can take up to twelve years to accrue interests. Private equity firms evaluate availability of opportunity to avoid investing in a failing company which, led to heavy capital losses by the firm. The risk has been noted to be higher in venture capital funds (Lasen, 2006).            Private equity industry was begun in 1946 by the American Research and Development Corporation (ARD) to encourage private institutions provides funding to soldiers who returned from World War II. ARD aimed to provide skills and funding to the management and this would stimulate success of the companies accrue profits. The success of the industry led to permeation of few wealthy families into the industry in 1970s. The industry focussed more on debt financed leveraged buy-outs (LBOs)            A Leveraged buy-out (LBO) occurs when a financial sponsor gains control of a majority of a target company’s stock ownership through the use of borrowed money or debt (Lasen, 2006). A Leveraged buy-out is a widely used strategy where a company acquires another company through significant amount of borrowed money. In most cases, the assets of the acquiring company and the company being acquired are used as security for the loans. Leveraged buyouts allow companies to make acquisitions without committing a lot of capital. In an LBO 70% debt to 30% equity ration is allowed though the debt can amount 90% top 95% of target Company total capitalisation. Private equity firm prefer to sue leveraged buyouts for two reasons. Use of debt that is widely used in US increased financial return to the private equity sponsor. Debts are exempted from taxation and hence the returns from debt are greater that from cash (Lasen, 2006; Robinson and Cottrell, 2007).            Many countries for example Germany have introduced new tax laws with an aim of discouraging leveraged buyouts through reduction of tax shield effectiveness. The performance of private equity firms that used LBO as their main source of financing went into bankruptcy in 1980s and 1980s. The insolvency was largely contributed by excessive debt financing amounting up to 97%. This led to higher interest payment that exceeded the company’s operating cash flow. Most companies were taken over by other companies and government.            In the recent past private equity industry has experienced a boom as noted in Great Britain as well as USA. Most pension scheme companies have invested in private equity firms and in particular LBOs. The size of private equity pool increased by 37% in 1994 in Great Britain. There is great disparity between foreign private equity pool and United States which present possibility of future growth. The rapid growth in the private equity industry has led to poor returns on capital invested. The returns from public equity deals are higher and this challenges the stability of private equity industry in using LBOs as way of financing (Clark and Whiteside, 2003).            PED projects were initially known to have positive impact in paediatrics industry. The PED projects however are on the decline. This can be attributed to poor management and appointment of nationals who have worked in public service to oversee them yet they have little experience or knowledge that is needed. The PED has encountered pressure from fear of disappointing former and future employees and this has in most cases resulted in failure or problem in implementation of the projects (Saylor, Swenson, Reynolds and Taylor, 1999). References Clark, G. L., Whiteside, N. (2003) Pension Security in the 21st Century: Redrawing the Public-Private Debate. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Robinson, M. J., Cottrell, T. J â€Å"Investment Patterns of Informal Investors in the Alberta Private Equity Market†Journal of Small Business Management, 45, (2007):11-89. Larsen, D. L. â€Å"Challenges to the Private Equity Industry†Journal of Accountancy, 202, (2006):112-156. Saylor, C. F., Swenson, C., Reynolds, S., and Taylor, M â€Å"The Paediatric Emotional Distress Scale: a Brief Screening Measure for Young Children Exposed to Traumatic Events.†Journal of Clinical Child Psychology. 28.1. (1999): 34-70.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
School Violence :: School Violence Essays
Youth Violence: A Report of the Surgeon General. Chapter 4-Risk Factors for Youth Violence. 2000. ww.surgeongeneral.gov/library/youthviolence/report.html This Web site explains that risk factors for violence are not static. Their predictive value changes depending on when they occur in a young person's development, in what social context, and under what circumstances. Risk factors may be found in the individual, the environment, or the individual's ability to respond to the demands or requirements of the environment. Some factors come into play during childhood or even earlier, whereas others do not appear until adolescence. Some involve the family, others the neighborhood, the school, or the peer group. Some become less important as a person matures. Somewhat informative but not sure if I want to use this source. Alexander Volokh with Lisa Snell. School Violence Prevention: Strategies to Keep Schools Safe. www.rppi.org/ps234.html. This site addresses that school violence is a serious problem, especially in public schools. Improving the quality of American education is difficult without also addressing school violence, since regardless of how good the teachers or curriculum are, violence makes it difficult for students to learn. School violence wears many faces. It includes gang activity, locker thefts, bullying and intimidation, gun use, assaultâ€â€just about anything that produces a victim. Violence is perpetrated against students, teachers, and staff, and ranges from intentional vendettas to accidental killings of bystanders. Often, discussions of school violence are lumped together with discussions of school discipline generally, as both involve questions of how to maintain order in a school. This is a well informed site. Monica Davey and Jodi Wilgoren. Signs of Danger were missed in a Troubled Teenager’s Life. 24 Mar. 2005. www.nytimes.com .Some who knew Jeff Weise say they wonder why someone did not see his eruption coming months, or even years, ago. Here was the threat Mr. Wse, 16, once made on his own life, sending him away from his home on the Red Lake Indian Reservation for psychiatric treatment. There were the pictures of bloodied bodies and guns he drew and shared freely with classmates. There was the story he apparently wrote about a shooting spree at a school in a small town. This doesn’t seem to be such an important source for a paper. Dr. Peter. R. Breggin. Eric Harris Was Taking Luvox ( A Prozac-like drug) at the Time of the Littleton Murders. 30 Apr. 1999. www.breggin.com/luvox.html. In this site Dr. Breggin confirms that Eric Harris, was taking Luvox.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Physics LabShc of Water
The result I will get as the SSH of water will not be exactly the same as the literature value, but ill be a very close figure to the literature value of the SSH of water as there will be some limitations to our experiment. The experimental result I acquired was 4119. 54 Jag-1 K-1, lower than I expected, while the literature value is 4200 Jag-K-1 this shows that the experiment was carried out correctly, but not perfectly. There is a 2% error in my result when compared to the literature value. The errors can be due to the fact that the experiment wasn't orchestrated under professional conditions in a top-notch lab. Thus, one can without a doubt conclude by saying that the experiment faced mom errors while it was being conducted, but still arrived at the area of the expected result.Evaluation The experiment was conducted well, despite the random and systematic errors that I came across. The main errors I identified were the following: When transferring the iron block into the calorimet er some heat was lost to the surroundings as the block was out in the open. The simple calorimeter we used was made from a copper can, and when the water and iron block were boiling the can was nearby, and since it's a metal and metals are conductors of heat it possibly has gained heat from the Bunsen burner. Therefore, the temperature difference of the mixture, as a result, could have been made smaller by reason of heat being gained by the calorimeter.The cover of the calorimeter wasn't fully closed, leaving the water inside exposed and vulnerable to evaporation, which could lead to the loss of mass of the water and also cause the water to lose or gain heat from the surroundings, which could have been the reason I got results lower than what I expected, even though it would result in a very minute difference Suggestions for Improvements Weakness – Improvement Calorimeter gaining heat from the Bunsen burner close by because of the material it's made from Introduce a calorimet er that is made from a substance that doesn't let outside intrusions affect it. The cover of the calorimeter not fully closing Use a lid that fits the copper can so that the water inside of it isn't exposed to outside air Heat lost to surroundings when transferring ten test material (metal Deadlock) Into ten calorimeter Put forward a scheme whereby less heat is lost to the surroundings or use a metal that has some characteristics of an insulator as the test material (metal block)
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Racial formation Essay
Overview for the final paper on racial formation in the United State After reading many articles in different themes in this class, I have to say that Racial Formation in the United States captured my attention. Coming from Congo, I had another way of perception about class and race. Surly the different background that I had on how to categorize people in a particular class based on their skin color changed slightly when I moved in the US. However, one thing that did not or I may say never occurred to me, was to think even once that race could also be viewed as someone’s social class. To me social class was limited or based on someone’s education, place of birth, income made, and country or city of origin. So this article really did stimulate my curiosity on looking into different way that race can play a big role into defining someone’s social class. That is the reason why I am going to write about the theorist Michael Omi in how he argues about race and social class. To me Michael Omi with is theory of concept about race and Identity did get me to think a little more out of my box. I do hope that it was the case for anyone who had the opportunity to read this article. I do believe that the work of this author is relevant and have a big impact into communication matter. Moreover, I came across few of his material such as Asian American and A Critical Reeder that were used by others Wu, J. , Lee, R. , Okhiro, G. , Zia, H. , Eng, D. , Han, S. , †¦ & Ancheta, A. (2010). Asian American Studies Now: A Critical Reader. J. Y. W. S. Wu, & T. Chen (Eds. ). Rutgers University Press. His theory has an impact in communication because his way of re framing how race is viewed in the US has more impact because he came across it from a different angle. The same thing with most of his arguments. The way he does it makes people think and talk or communicate with more awareness and knowledge. Most of the time we the society tend to view things only from the superficial side, and not consider the cores of the situation. Michael argument gives us the grasped on the problem. Omi, M. (1997). Racial identity and the state: The dilemmas of classification. Law & Ineq. , 15, 7. Omi, M. (2008). Asian-Americans: The Unbearable Whiteness of Being?. Chronicle of Higher Education, 55(5). Luke, C. , & Luke, A. (1999). Theorizing interracial families and hybrid identity: An Australian perspective. Educational Theory, 49(2), 223-249. Thomas, N. (1994). Colonialism’s culture. Polity Press.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Profile of Hannibal, Romes Greatest Enemy
Profile of Hannibal, Romes Greatest Enemy Hannibal (or Hannibal Barca) was the leader of the military forces of Carthage that fought against Rome in the Second Punic War. Hannibal, who almost overpowered Rome, was considered Romes greatest enemy. Birth and Death Dates Its unknown, but Hannibal was thought to have been born in 247 BCE and died 183 BCE. Hannibal did not die when he lost the war with Rome years later, he committed suicide by ingesting poison. He was at Bithynia, at the time, and in danger of being extradited to Rome. [39.51]....Finally [Hannibal] called for the poison which he had long kept in readiness for such an emergency. Let us, he said, relieve the Romans from the anxiety they have so long experienced, since they think it tries their patience too much to wait for an old mans death....Livy Main Victories of Hannibal Against Rome Hannibals first military success, in Saguntum, in Spain, precipitated the Second Punic War. During this war, Hannibal led the forces of Carthage across the Alps with elephants and achieved surprising military victories. However, when Hannibal lost at the Battle of Zama, in 202, Carthage had to make heavy concessions to the Romans. Fleeing North Africa for Asia Minor Sometime after the end of the Second Punic War, Hannibal left North Africa for​ Asia Minor. There he helped Antiochus III of Syria fight Rome, unsuccessfully, at the Battle of Magnesia in 190 B.C. Peace terms included surrendering Hannibal, but Hannibal fled to Bithynia. Hannibal Uses Snaky Catapults In the 184 BCE battle between King Eumenes II of Pergamon (r. 197-159 BCE) and King Prusias I of Bithynia in Asia Minor (c.228-182 BCE), Hannibal served as commander of the Bithynian fleet. Hannibal used catapults to hurl pots filled with poisonous snakes into the enemy ships. The Pergamese panicked and fled, allowing the Bithynians to win. Family and Background Hannibals full name was Hannibal Barca. Hannibal means joy of Baal. Barca means lightning. Barca is also spelled Barcas, Barca, and Barak. Hannibal was a son of Hamilcar Barca (d.228 BCE), the military leader of Carthage during the First Punic War in which he was defeated in 241 BCE Hamilcar developed a base for Carthage in southern Spain, which helps explain the geography and transalpine adventure of the Second Punic War. When Hamilcar died, his son-in-law Hasdrubal took over, but when Hasdrubal died, 7 years later, in 221, the army-appointed Hannibal general of the forces of Carthage in Spain.​ Why Hannibal Was Considered Great Hannibal retained his reputation as a formidable opponent and great military leader even after Carthage lost the Punic Wars. Hannibal colors the popular imagination because of his treacherous trek with elephants across the Alps to face the Roman army. By the time the Carthaginian troops had finished the mountain crossing, he had about 50,000 troops and 6000 horsemen with which to face and defeat the Romans 200,000. Although Hannibal ultimately lost the war, he managed to survive in enemy land, winning battles for 15 years. Source The Cambridge History of Greek and Roman Warfare, by Philip A G Sabin; Hans van Wees; Michael Whitby; Cambridge University Press, 2007.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Forced, Reluctant, and Voluntary Migration
Forced, Reluctant, and Voluntary Migration Human migration is the permanent or semi-permanent relocation of people from one location to another. This movement may occur domestically or internationally and can affect economic structures, population densities, culture, and politics. People either are made to move involuntarily (forced), are put in situations that encourage relocation (reluctant), or choose to migrate (voluntary). Forced Migration Forced migration is a negative form of migration, often the result of persecution, development, or exploitation. The largest and most devastating forced migration in human history was the African slave trade, which carried 12 to 30 million Africans from their homes and transported them to various parts of North America, Latin America, and the Middle East. Those Africans were taken against their will and forced to relocate. The Trail of Tears is another pernicious example of forced migration. Following the Indian Removal Act of 1830, tens of thousands of Native Americans living in the Southeast were forced to migrate to parts of contemporary Oklahoma (Land of the Red People in Choctaw). Tribes traversed up to nine states on foot, with many dying along the way. Forced migration is not always violent. One of the largest involuntary migrations in history was caused by development. The construction of Chinas Three Gorges Dam displaced nearly 1.5 million people and put 13 cities, 140 towns, and 1,350 villages underwater. Although new housing was provided for those forced to move, many people were not compensated fairly. Some of the newly designated areas were also less ideal geographically, not foundationally secure, or lacked agriculturally productive soil. Reluctant Migration Reluctant migration is a form of migration in which individuals are not forced to move, but do so because of an unfavorable situation at their current location. The large wave of Cubans who legally and illegally immigrated to the United States following the 1959 Cuban revolution is considered a form of reluctant migration. Fearing a communist government and leader Fidel Castro, many Cubans sought asylum overseas. With the exception of Castros political opponents, most of the Cuban exiles were not forced to leave but decided it was in their best interest to do so. As of the 2010 census, over 1.7 million Cubans resided in the United States, with the majority living in Florida and New Jersey. Another form of reluctant migration involved the internal relocation of many Louisiana residents following Hurricane Katrina. After the calamity caused by the hurricane, many people decided to either move farther from the coast or out of state. With their homes destroyed, the states economy in ruin, and sea levels continuing to rise, they reluctantly left. At the local level, a change in ethnic or socioeconomic conditions usually brought on by invasion-succession or gentrification can also cause individuals to reluctantly relocate. A white neighborhood that has turned predominately black or a poor neighborhood turned gentrified can have a personal, social, and economic impact on longtime residents. Voluntary Migration Voluntary migration is migration based on ones free will and initiative. People move for a variety of reasons, and it involves weighing options and choices. Individuals who are interested in moving often analyze the push and pull factors of two locations before making their decision. The strongest factors influencing people to voluntarily move are the desire to live in a better home and employment opportunities. Other factors contributing to voluntary migration include: Change in lifes course (getting married, empty-nest, retirement)Politics (from a conservative state to one that recognizes gay marriage, for example)Individual personality (suburban life to city life) Americans on the Move With their intricate transportation infrastructure and high per-capita income, Americans have become some of the most mobile people on earth. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, in 2010 37.5 million people (or 12.5 percent of the population) changed residences. Of those, 69.3 percent stayed within the same county, 16.7 percent moved to a different county in the same state, and 11.5 percent moved to a different state. Unlike many underdeveloped countries where a family might live in the same home their entire lives, it is not uncommon for Americans to move multiple times within their life. Parents might choose to relocate to a better school district or neighborhood following the birth of a child. Many teenagers choose to leave for college in another area. Recent graduates go where their career is. Marriage might lead to the purchase of a new home, and retirement may take the couple elsewhere, yet again. When it comes to mobility by region, people in the Northeast were the least likely to move, with a move rate of just 8.3 percent in 2010. The Midwest had a move rate of 11.8 percent, the South- 13.6 percent, and the West - 14.7 percent. Principal cities within metropolitan areas experienced a population drop of 2.3 million people, while the suburbs experienced a net increase of 2.5 million. Young adults in their 20s are the most likely age group to move, while African Americans are the most likely race to move in America.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Marketing Plan Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words - 1
Marketing Plan - Research Paper Example new look of the MS Office programs such as Word, Excel and PowerPoint provided with efficient features making the working process more comfortable, easy and safe; as well as enhancing already existing means of communication and information exchange. Microsoft Corporation main mission is based on idea of sustaining its position as World’s number one technology company which is engaged into creation, development, licensing and manufacturing software products and operating systems, search engines as well as conquering video game industry (Microsoft, 2015). Microsoft audience is as diversified as the product portfolio and it involved young adults of 16-30 years as targeted users Xbox consoles and operating systems for everyday and educational purposes as well as business segment using software in professional sphere where collecting, storing and presentation of information are essential processes and can be seen on firms and corporations different in size. Nowadays the competition within industry is severe as the company is diversified and it meets rough competition in several key areas such as search engine and smart phones from giants such as Google, Apple and Oracle. Microsoft market consists of products, consumers and business users. The main feature of this very aspect is implied in diversification of product portfolio which is aimed at reaching the audience through erasing the boundaries of age, profession, social status (Microsoft, 2015). Operation systems are designed to be applied on computers and other devices as means of data storing or day-to-day operations including education, entertainment, health care, programs such as Skype can be used by professionals and consumers. Corporate (business market) – people engaged in large businesses, firms and corporation feel the need in sufficient software in order to work with information on different levels, bringing convenience into the process of collecting, storing and presentation of information as well
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