Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Essay on Advanced Laser Case Study - 625 Words
Case 2: Advanced Laser Clinics In the case, â€Å"Advanced Laser Clinics,†a clinic in Austin Texas is a bottom-performing store that is desperate for some positive changes. Elizabeth Ryan is the new manager who was hired to bring about those changes. There were several issues identified within this case. The first issue that I recognized was the inexperience of Ryan as a manager within this particular field. Her experience was working with the Navy, where she dealt with mainly men. Even though she has years of leadership experience, the beauty industry is completely new to her as well as working with other women. She also only received four days of training, which seems minimal. The other issue presented in the case was between the two†¦show more content†¦Again, she is going to have to stress emphasize that she is asking because she wants to help find a solution. She should also add on by asking if everything is OK and if she can help with anything. This will directly show that Ryan cares about her as a person and will make Moore feel more comfortable. There might be a good explanation as to why she comes in smelling like that. In chapter 2, we talked about how a leader should have a passion for the work and the people. By showing that she cares about Moore and wants her to succeed, Ryan is showing a passion for her employees. This situation also directly relates to chapter 5 when we talked about path-goal theory. I am suggesting that Ryan uses a supportive style of leadership in this situation, because she is dealing with a sensitive subject. She needs to display an emotionally supportive climate when she meets with Moore. Lastly, Ryan needs to lead by example, respect, and trust after the meeting. In chapter 8 the focus is to make your actions support the words you say. Ryan needs to make sure that she shows her concern for Moore and actually helps her come up with a solution instead of just saying she will do these things. There is nothing worse than when a boss or a leader says they care about your well-being but do not do anything to help you. This forms trust issues between the employees and boss and is very unhealthy for theirShow MoreRelatedInvestigating effectiveness of treatments1600 Words  | 7 PagesBiomedical Research 4 (4) page 234-237 [online] available at: http://bit.ly/1mRS9ym Bar chart comparing cases and controls complication in mother according to Shruti Saralaya et al (2013) Shruti Saralaya et al (2013) study offers a insight into a generally unknown condition, the study was conducted with 100 participants, including 50 cases and 50 controls for equal representation, the study was based on what earlier scientist thought was a correlation for the condition, for example pretermRead MoreHow Technology Simplifies Modern Life665 Words  | 3 Pagesthe medical field, i.e. in regard to laser eye surgery, would be rolled back. 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Monday, December 16, 2019
IHRM and HRM Difference Free Essays
In a highly competitive global economy, where the other factors of productionâ€â€capital, technology, raw materials, and informationâ€â€are increasingly able to be duplicated, â€Å"the caliber of the people in an organization will be the only source of sustainable competitive advantage available to companies. Domestic HRM and international HRM are both concentrate on human resource management, but there are many differences also. No mater domestic HRM or international HRM an organization’s HRM activities are also include these 6 parts. We will write a custom essay sample on IHRM and HRM Difference or any similar topic only for you Order Now The first part is human resource planning, before the company employs the employees the company should know what kind of employees their need. Then the second part is staffing (recruitment, selection, placement), the company select the employees what they need from the HR market. The third part is compensation (remuneration) and benefits. The company should set the employees’ wages. Then, the forth part is deal with the industrial relations. It is common in every company that there are many troubles in employees or in employees and the company, so the company should set a department which is especial deal with the problem. The fifth part is performance management. The company’s main project is to make profits, so at the end of the year the company will reward or punish according to the employee’s performance. The last part is training and development. And these parts are completed one by one. There are also many differences between domestic HRM and IHRM. IHRM complexity can be attributed to six factors. The first is more HR activities such as international taxation; international relocation and orientation; host-government relations; language translation services. For example, to a domestic company it is only concerned with the tax rates in his country, but for a international company it is not only focus on his PCN’s tax rates but also focus on his TCN’s tax rates. The second is need for a broader perspective such as program design and administration for several employee groups; long term consequences on key decisions made. For example, to a domestic company it pays all attention to his program design and administration in his country, but for a international company it is not only focus on his PCN’s program design and administration but also pays attention to his TCN’s program design and administration. The third one is more involvement in employees’ personal lives. One obvious difference between domestic and international HRM is that staff are moved across ational boundaries into various roles within the international firms foreign operationsâ€â€these employees have traditionally been called expatriates. An expatriate is an employee who is transferred out of their home base into some other area of the firm’s international operations. There are many factors will determine the assignment succeed or failed such as level of support to handle for PCNs and TCNs, banking, investments, home rental while on assignment, coordinating home visits , final repatriation, level of explanations particularly on the comp. ackage components , marital status during selection process. The forth one is variations in the mix of expatriates and locals, for example if the company want maturity evolves, the company need to support expat and virtual team. All these such as foreign subsidiary increased autonomy, high potential selection and development, long term succession planning necessitates flexibility and focus fluctuation within the HR department, not needed for domestic HR to the same degree. The fifth one is risk exposure, the IHRM will face heavier financial and human consequences in case of assignment failure. The last one is broader external influences such as the type of government; the state of the economy ; generally accepted practices of doing business in host countries. We can conclude that HRM is important to every company no matter it is domestic company or international company, so the manager should pay more attention to the HRM or the company will fail. How to cite IHRM and HRM Difference, Papers
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Fluid Regulation in Weightless State free essay sample
Examines research studies space flight experiments measuring body fluid changes for scientific medical purposes. Fluid Regulation in a Microgravity Environment The extraterrestrial environment presents human beings with innumerable physiologic challenges. Astronauts engaged in space flight may experience alteration of their bodily fluids and electrolyte balance. Weightlessness generally causes a reduction in total fluid volume. In addition, there is typically a cephalad redistribution of the blood and other body fluids. This cephalad shift initiates a series of compensatory mechanisms, many of which involve hormonal fluctuations. Unfortunately, data collected from human subjects during actual space flight is rather scarce. This paucity has led to the use of various ground-based weightlessness simulations. Two important experimental techniques include the water immersion and bed rest methods. Unfortunately though, despite the considerable research..
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